Printable Order Form
As an alternative to placing your order online, you can print an order form and mail it in with your check or money order. Click below to print the order form. You can also phone in your order and pay with a credit card by calling (904) 619-9668.
Your payment must be received in our office within 7 days of the date of your purchase. If not received by the eighth day, your order will cancel and any new order placed will be subject to availability and current prices. AND your order is held 10 business days before shipping for your personal check to clear bank. There is no hold on orders paid with money orders.
Personal checks and money orders should be mailed to
Brenda’s Online Store
P.O. Box 28267
Jacksonville, FL 32226
Returned checks are handled by GLOBAL CHECK RECOVERY and are subject to electronic redeposit without further notice. Recovery fees as allowed by state law are assessed and may be debited from your checking account. 1-866-524-3339